That journey vs destination thing
You have heard the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson plenty of times,"Life is a journey, not a destination." But have you really thought about the words? Have you accepted them as truth? If so why do you still believe that you should have life figured out by now? By NOW? What does that even mean? Why are you giving yourself a hard time for not being where you think you should be yet? There is no destination, remember? :) I have the luxury of watching my young adult nieces and nephews navigate life. I can see it in their faces, I hear it in their words, they're torturing themselves with the destination. They feel the pressure from everyone around them that they must decide right NOW what they will do and be for the rest of their lives. I did it. I fell for that pressure too. Then I walked down 1,000 different roads 1,000 different times and beat myself up for presumingly starting over or starting again or getting it wrong or failing completely. What I didn't understand was that there is no map because my friend, there is no outside destination. You are the map. You are the destination. You are the only place you need to journey towards. You are supposed to change and start new things and try and fail and fail again. That is the journey. Now if we could just lift our heads to enjoy the view then we would remember this incredible trip. Pack lightly. Safe travels.